How to Reach Us

The main office of the Tennessee Disability Coalition is located in Nashville, Tennessee and unfortunately was in the path of the storm that came through middle Tennessee on March 3, 2020. Our office was damaged, but is still standing. Our hearts go out to our friends and neighbors who sustained devastating losses.

Our work will continue but we will not be able to reside in our Nashville office while repairs are in progress. 

How to contact us as of March 18, 2020:

Our general email inbox is active! Reach us at:

Our main phone line 615-383-9442 is back in order. We are taking calls during business hours.

While we are still forwarding mail sent to our 955 Woodland St address, we ask that for now you send hardcopy mail to our temporary post office box: P.O. Box 90145, Nashville, TN 37209

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.