Small Grants ProgramOverview

Congratulations to the Spring 2024 grant recipients!!

Please use the links to learn more about each organization!


Adapt to Play -

This grant proposal seeks funding to obtain battery-powered cars, toys, and necessary materials to adapt them, providing inclusive play for children with mobility challenges. The project will focus on adapting 15 cars and 40 toys. We aim to build capacity within the disability community by serving as an additional resource for families experiencing challenges acquiring the necessary equipment and tools to aid their children. The Appalachian Highland Region, like many rural areas, faces unique challenges in providing adequate support and resources for children with physical disabilities. These challenges include:

  • Limited access to specialized services,
  • High costs associated with adaptive equipment and
  • Scarcity of recreational activities for children with disabilities.

AdaptoPlay addresses the need for independent mobility among children with disabilities. By providing adaptive equipment and tailored mobility solutions, the program helps children to move more freely, fostering overall development.

Catalyst Sports, Inc. -

Your support will increase our capacity to deliver life-changing adaptive kayak adventures to people living with disabilities served by our Tennessee Chapters. Adaptive kayaking is often inaccessible to people living with disabilities, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. This is due to many factors, including the expense of adaptive kayaks ($2,500), transportation barriers, and limited opportunities for programs that encourage the participation of people living with disabilities.

With your support, we will solve our first issue related to expanding capacity – increase our storage space, which will allow us to increase our kayak fleet and equipment needed to deliver adaptive adventure on the Tennessee River.


  1. Break barriers, increase equity and access.
  2. Dismantle stereotypes, raise community awareness, promote inclusivity and accessibility by hosting adaptive adventure programs that focus on the abilities of people living with disabilities. 

We take this on because it is our life’s work.

GiGi’s Playhouse Nashville -

Teens and adults can face insurmountable obstacles when transitioning from high school to employment due to lack of specialized job training and life-skills education. An adult with Down syndrome faces thevchallenge of limited options for safe, welcoming, and inclusive work settings. GiGi’s Adult Education Program fills the gap by providing an innovative vocational training program designed for individuals with Down syndrome to learn foundational skills, preparing them for a job in the community and a life of confidence and independence. This program's short-term goal is to encourage and involve individuals with Down syndrome in the workforce with the long-term goal of helping our participants feel acceptance, reduce systemic barriers, and grow beyond all expectations. Launching this program has been in response to feedback that we have received regarding the ongoing need for career training for adults with Down syndrome, so they can develop vocational skills to ensure lifelong independence.


Knoxville Center of the Deaf -

The Aging Program is an initiative proposed by the Knoxville Center of the Deaf (KCD) to address the unique needs of Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and Late-Deafened individuals aged 50 and older. This demographic faces significant barriers in accessing and utilizing resources designed for elderly populations, leading to misunderstandings, miscommunication, and inadequate care. The Aging Program aims to bridge this gap by providing tailored outreach, education, and support services to enhance the well-being and quality of life of elderly members of the Deaf community in Knoxville and surrounding areas. Through targeted outreach, collaboration, education, and support services, the program aims to empower elderly members of the Deaf community to lead fulfilling and independent lives while fostering greater inclusivity and accessibility within senior care systems. By working together with stakeholders and community partners, we can create a more supportive and inclusive environment for all aging individuals.


Tucker’s House -

Our proposed project will extend our reach, impact, and inclusivity within the disability community by bridging the language gap for Spanish-speaking families who have children with disabilities in Middle Tennessee. Our project identifies and responds to the underrepresentation of Spanish-speaking families in Middle Tennessee's disability support services, where Hispanics constitute a notable 10% of Davidson County's population. This includes our website, social media, the Assessment and Inclusive Modification. (AIM) application, and a Spanish-language video in our House to Home series, enhancing accessibility and engagement for a broader audience. By leveraging our diverse team, with 40% identifying as Latino, we aim to not only expand our service capacity but also build connections with immigrant communities. The immediate goal is to refine our outreach to include Spanish-speaking families. In the long term, we plan to amplify our partnerships, boosting annual service numbers and fostering an inclusive environment for all children. 



“The lifting power of many wings can achieve twice the distance of flying alone.”


The Coalition's Board of Directors offers biannual small grant awards of up to $10,000.00 per grant. In keeping with the mission of the Coalition, the grant awards must BUILD CAPACITY in the disability community and include a sustainability plan.



What is Capacity Building?

Definition of capacity building adopted by the Board of Directors in June 2018:

CAPACITY BUILDING is not just about the capacity of a nonprofit today -- it's about the future. Distinct capacity building projects such as identifying a communications strategy, improving volunteer recruitment, developing a leadership succession plan, identifying more efficient uses of technology, and engaging in collaborations with community partners -- all build the capacity of a charitable nonprofit to effectively deliver its mission in the future.  When capacity building is successful, it strengthens a nonprofit’s ability to fulfill its mission over time and enhances the nonprofit’s ability to have a positive impact on lives and communities.  

~ National Council of Nonprofits


Who can apply?

  • Projects/organizations in the State of Tennessee, that are IRS - designated tax-exempt organizations - 501(c)(3) and government entities
  • As part of the annual budget, the project/organization's unrestricted funds must be less than $2 million 
  • Projects/organizations that are ready to build capacity and expand inclusion within the disability community


Please note that effective March 2021, prior Grant Recipients cannot re-apply for two years (four grant cycles), with the exception of topic-specific grant cycles.


The small grants program does NOT fund:

  • Individual or family grants
  • Membership fees
  • Conferences
  • Fundraisers
  • Replacement of lost funding
  • Reimbursement for purchases previously made
  • General operating cost
  • Political Activities
  • Social events


Example of funded proposals:

  • To add technology for outreach, communication, managing finances, data storage, and optimizing operations
  • Create a resource library of videos/podcasts
  • Develop a formal volunteer program
  • Purchasing equipment (i.e., hearing assistive technology, computers) that can be used by many individuals and over time
  • Assist in the funding of a new chapter of the organization


If you would like to be added to the Small Grants email award notification list please use this link to register your email address:

For more information, contact: 

Carrie Carlson |