This week, September 13th-20th, is National Disability Voter Registration Week! This week is a celebration of the power of the disability vote, but also a recognition that undue barriers continue to present obstacles to voters with disabilities in enacting this civic responsibility and constitutional right.
Despite being twice as likely to face voting barriers as people without disabilities, disabled voters have continued to demonstrate their political power each election. Last election, in the midst of a pandemic, over 17 million people with disabilities cast their ballots. As the REV UP network, Crip the Vote, and other national and local movements build the power of the disability vote, we believe we can close the 6% turnout gap between voters with and without disabilities.
As our country rapidly changes, it has never been more vital that Americans with disabilities have fair and equal access to the ballot box. That’s why this week is such a valuable opportunity to strengthen the power of the disability vote by making sure that every person with a disability has the access and tools that they need to register to vote and cast a ballot in the next election.
Below are some resources that support this mission:
Background info:
Last year, the Tennessee Disability Coalition published a white paper on the State of the Disability Vote in Tennessee.
Experts Lisa Schur and Doug Kruse of Rutgers University released a new report highlighting the disability vote during the 2020 election.
The Election Administration Commission (EAC) also released a detailed report on the voter accessibility during the 2020 election.
National Disability Voter Registration Week
The REV UP Campaign, sponsored this year by TDC partner AAPD, is coordinating this year’s National Disability Voter Registration Week. Their website has an abundance of resources for advocacy organizations to help support the campaign.
Tre Hargett, the Tennessee Secretary of State, is conducting a Get Out the Vote Campaign this fall – the campaign page has numerous resources for getting involved.
Tennessee Registration and Voting Resources:
The Tennessee Secretary of State’s webpage has a plethora of details about voting in Tennessee, including:
- Online Voter Registration
- Voter Registration Look-Up (find your polling place, early voting and election day schedules, etc.)
- Information about absentee voting
- Election and voting Frequently Asked Questions
Know your voting rights! from TDC
If you have questions about National Disability Voter Registration Week or would like help getting involved, please reach out to me at jeff_s@tndisability.org.
Thank you and happy registration!