TDC/TJC Paid Family Caregiving Resource Hub


It can be challenging to be the caregiver of a family member with a disability in Tennessee. From shortages of providers to unavailable respite services to navigating the bureaucracies of TennCare and DIDD, the state often leaves family caregivers to fend for themselves. In fact, AARP ranked Tennessee DEAD LAST in its care and support for family caregivers. But this is not breaking news for people who care for a loved one in Tennessee. Our state can do much more to support family caregivers, and we believe that can begin with supporting them financially.

This is why we at Tennessee Disability Coalition have teamed up with the Tennessee Justice Center to embark on a new campaign that would financially support to family members caring for their loved one. To us, this looks like a statewide policy that permits payment to caregivers of Tennesseans across the age and disability spectrum. We believe such a policy would have a substantial and positive impact for caregivers and their loved ones, as well as the disability community as a whole.

But, we need the support of the disability community to help us with this push. Over the next 6 months, which covers the General Assembly session, our TDC-TJC partnership will hold family focus groups, recruit advocate leaders, facilitate legislative meetings, and pursue media coverage of this important issue. Ultimately, we hope to pass a Joint Resolution that would urge TennCare to create an easily accessible and navigable policy by which the state can support family caregivers of Tennesseans with disabilities.

This page will be updated frequently as our advocacy campaign progresses, but in the meantime, see below for resources and developments as things evolve on the ground.